And its back again! After a roaring success in 2018 & 2019, Twisties is leveraging an existing, well-established platform whilst leaning on the learnings from the last few years… As the experts say, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’.

So if you find a Twistie inside your pack that looks like, well, anything really, it could be the next artefact on display in the Twisties Museum. Here’s a glimpse of some of the weekly entries… but could you do better?

Did you know:
This is the third year ‘Twisties Museum’ has been run – with good reason! IMI Research suggests that ‘Promotions that are repeated over time build equity and efficiency by reducing the burden on communications to build awareness and comprehension. Each time a promotion is repeated (utilizing the same mechanic and similar theme) the subsequent execution is more efficient because consumer familiarity is at a higher starting point’.

Hints & Tips
When repeating an activity, it’s worth considering ways to refresh your creative or prize offering. Consider it a spring clean or a quick tidy up – keep the core sentiment consistent (to retain the aspects that consumers love and trust)… but perhaps polish the edges a little!